
b. 1981
my instagram

here my personal atlas of images, memories and visual notes taken during my travels or in my daily life.
Shots and mini-videos captured with the phone, manipulated with filters and sometimes shared on social networks.

atlas 1 (2016-2019)
atlas 2 (2019-2024)

Franco Monari me in 2017 with
very cool hair

2021 super mini-portfolio randomly generated by google search...


selected awards

2021   Finalist Premio Mestre di Pittura
2021   Recommended Premio Combat
2018   Finalist Premio Fabbri
2017   Nominee Award International Photogrvphy Award
2017   Winner Premio Nocivelli
2016   Shortlisted Premio Celeste
2014   Finalist Premio Yicca
2014   Shortlisted Premio Celeste
2010   Finalist Premio Terna 03

selected exhibitions

2024   group Equivoci, Gare 82 Gallery, Brescia
2021   group Premio Mestre di Pittura, Centro Culturale Candiani, Venezia (catalog)
2021   group Come se niente fosse, Artfarm Pilastro, Verona
2020   group Per quanto tempo è per sempre, Officina Giovani, Prato
2020   solo Detriti / E le città saranno ripopolate e le rovine riscostruite, SACI Studio Arts College Int., Firenze 
2019   group Ars Gratia Artis, Galleria ArteSì, Modena
2019   group Collateral Beauty, Paratissima 15 Art Fair - N.I.C.E, Ex Accademia Artiglieria, Torino (catalog)
2018   solo Il cielo non importa, curated by Maurizio Bernardelli Curuz, Spazio Contemporanea, Brescia (catalog)
2018   solo Amor loci, curated by Cristina Muccioli, Galleria ArteSì, Modena
2018   group Premio Francesco Fabbri, curated by Carlo Sala, Villa Brandolini, Pieve di Soligo (catalog)
2017   group Premio Nocivelli, Chiesa della Disciplina, Verolanuova (catalog)
2017   group Topoi, L’Appartamento, Firenze
2017   group Streamers, curated by Irene Alison, Officine Fotografiche, Roma (catalog)
2017   group Confini_14, Galleria VisionQuest, Genova
2014   group Yicca Prize, LIL Lugano Innovation Lab, Botti Buildings, Lugano (catalog)
2010   group 25th Chelsea Int. Fine Art Competition Exhibition, Agorà Gallery, New York